Student Solution


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DB 8 Disaster preparedness_Intro to public Safety Administration

DB 8 Disaster preparedness_Intro to public Safety Administration

Q Emergency and disaster preparedness is something that FEMA has described as being a responsibility of all citizens and citizen preparedness is a priority for the agency. In your initial forum post, discuss the following: 1. Describe what types of things you have done to prepare for emergencies or disasters. 2. Explain whether or not you feel you are adequately prepared for the disasters you believe you may be exposed to. If you do not feel you are as prepared as you would like to be, what would you do to make yourself adequately prepared? For instance, were you prepared for Hurricane Irma? Would you have been prepared for a direct hit from either Hurricanes Irma or Maria? Where would you find out how to best take preparedness actions? 3. Using the readings, think critically about some of the reasons why people and organizations undertake or do not undertake preparedness measures? What are the ways in which they could be persuaded to adopt preparedness measures?

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Preparing for any disaster is as important as responding timely towards it and FEMA is concerned with emergency management which is encompassing of all the process of managing it. Preparing for emergency situations or disasters can be challenging and different groups can employ different strategies depending on the situations, but there are basic things that everyone needs to be aware of and do, which I also indulge in. one of them is having the first-aid: medicines (routine and basic ones), band-aids, dressings, crepe bandages, scissors, antiseptics, painkillers, distilled water, and the other is to stock up on the things that are basics: water, two sets of clean clothes, non-perishable food items, flashlights and battery for it, radio for updates in case the internet is down, hygiene and sanitary products. I also have our basement ready for all my family to come together in case of disasters, as there a few relatives and close friends staying nearby. I have participated in drills a few times in the case of disasters and clear on the basic process of survival and response plan. At home, we have a plan ready on how to get at one place and contribute the things and skills we are adept in and help one another in times of emergencies.